A special thank you to those who contribute to OCS’ success year after year:
- The individuals, families, and community members who access OCS-funded services and provide critical insights on how we can strengthen our approach to reducing poverty and increasing self-sufficiency.
- OCS’ grant recipients and sub-recipients whose commitment to the communities they serve ensures our funding reaches the families and communities who need the most support.
- OCS’ training and technical assistance providers and contractors who work diligently to support program staff and grant recipients in ensuring program success.
- Our federal, state, national, and local partners, who engage with OCS, share indispensable knowledge, and help lift up OCS programs.
- OCS’ program and administrative staff who support grant recipients every step of the way to ensure OCS funding can do the most good.

“Being a leader within the Office of Community Services (OCS) is an absolute honor. I am consistently humbled and motivated by the commitment and flexibility of our grant recipients, training and technical assistance providers, partners, and OCS staff. You have all demonstrated a great deal of resilience that has resulted in success for OCS programs and those they serve. I am particularly touched by, and appreciative of, the individuals, families, and communities, who share their lived experiences with OCS. Your feedback helps us to improve our programs and ensure we respect and maintain the human-side of human services. I am enthusiastic and hopeful about continuing to work with all of you. I know that whatever successes lie ahead for OCS, they will be a direct result of your tenacity and continued commitment to the OCS mission.”
-- J. Janelle George, Deputy Director, Office of Community Services