Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) Fact Sheet
What We Do
The Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) is a federal program that provides funding to states, territories, and tribes to help pay past due bills and lower drinking water and wastewater rates for households with low incomes. LIHWAP prioritizes helping households where services have been disconnected due to non-payment, or are about to be disconnected, in order to have their services restored as quickly as possible.
Who We Serve
LIHWAP serves households with low incomes that pay the greatest amount of their income towards their home drinking water and wastewater services. Each grant recipient sets eligibility criteria for households, including a household income cutoff that is no more than the greater of 150% of the federal poverty line (FPL) or 60% of the state median income (SMI).
2022 Highlights

Appropriated by Congress in FY21 to be used by September 30, 2023

Average benefit per household receiving LIHWAP assistance

Total Individuals served

Grant recipients opened their programs

Total water vendor partnerships formed

Guidance documents and letters issued to help grant recipients stand up and administer LIHWAP programs

Prevented disconnections

Water services restored

Reductions of current water bills
LIHWAP Participation

Grant recipients receiving LIHWAP funding

States, including the District of Columbia


Tribes and tribal consortiums

Total households served included vulnerable members

Households served included a member with a disability

Households served included older adults

Households served included young children (ages 0 to 5)
Low Income Household Water Assistance Program
Division of Energy Assistance
Office of Community Services