Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Fact Sheet
What We Do
The Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) is a flexible funding source that provides funds to states, tribes, and territories to implement community-based services to reduce poverty, revitalize communities, and help people with low incomes become self-sufficient. Tribes and approximately 1,000 local eligible entities provide CSBG-funded services and activities including housing, nutrition, utility, and transportation assistance; crisis and emergency assistance; employment, education, and other wealth-building services; and community asset-building initiatives, among other community-based services aimed at creating pathways out of poverty and revitalizing underserved communities.
Who We Serve
CSBG serves individuals and families with low incomes and underserved communities.
2023 Highlights*

Appropriated by Congress

Households served

Multigenerational households served

Individuals who avoided eviction or obtained safe affordable housing

Individuals whose energy burden was reduced or whose homes were made more energy efficient

Individuals served
CSBG eligible entities supported 4.4 million vulnerable individuals:

Children ages 0 to 5 served

Individuals with disabilities served

Older adults (ages 65 and older) served
CSBG eligible entities also helped vulnerable residents stay in their homes and in their communities:

Older adults who maintained an independent living situation
*FY23 data does not include American Samoa, Florida, New Hampshire, and New Jersey.

Community Services Block Grant
Division of Community Assistance
Office of Community Services