Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot (DDDRP) Fact Sheet
What We Do
The Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot (DDDRP) both addresses diaper need and improves economic security for families with low incomes. On average, families go through 4,700 diapers from birth through potty training and spend between $945 and $1,500 on diapers each year for just one child. DDDRP provides funding to expand existing diaper distribution services through a robust network of community partners that provide anti-poverty services. DDDRP is about more than just diapers — it lifts a barrier to health and well-being for families with low incomes and connects those families with wraparound support services that address the conditions and causes of poverty to help them take steps toward self-sufficiency.
Who We Serve
The Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot serves families with low incomes who have unmet diaper needs.
2023 Highlights

Appropriated by Congress

Families served

New grant recipients participating in the pilot program

Community partners participated in the program

Cohorts of new grant recipients

Diapers distributed

Containers of ointments distributed

Packs of wipes distributed
Providing Holistic Support
DDDRP was designed to provide extensive wraparound services, making the program about much more than just diapers.
From Cohort 1:
- 14 grant recipients will connect families to job training and employment programs
- 12 grant recipients will support families with accessing child-focused services including Head Start and Early Head Start
- 11 grant recipients will provide connections to food and nutrition services
- 10 grant recipients will provide connections to weatherization assistance
- 9 grant recipients will provide connections to utility assistance

Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot
Division of Community Discretionary and Demonstration Programs
Office of Community Services