Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Fact Sheet
What We Do
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federal block grant program that provides funding to states, territories, and tribes to help households with low incomes meet their home energy needs. LIHEAP can reduce the costs associated with home energy bills, address energy crises, weatherize homes, or make minor energy-related home repairs. LIHEAP helps reduce the risk of health and safety problems that arise from unsafe heating and cooling situations and practices, particularly for vulnerable households with very young children, people with disabilities, and older adults.
Who We Serve
LIHEAP helps households with low incomes, particularly those that have a high home energy burden (percentage of income that goes to heating and cooling bills) and those that include members who are older adults, individuals with disabilities, or young children.
2023 Highlights*

Total funding released

Households served

Total occurrences of restored home energy
LIHEAP helps reduce the risk of health and safety problems that arise from unsafe heating and cooling situations and practices.
Of the household served in FY23:

Households included an individual with a disability

Households included a young child

Households included an older adult
Households assisted by service type:

Households received heating assistance

Households received crisis assistance*

Households received cooling assistance

Households received weatherization assistance
* Grant recipients do not report an unduplicated crisis count, but we estimate the number is 1.4 million.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program
Division of Energy Assistance (DEA)
Office of Community Services
DEA Staff Contacts | (202) 401-9351